Zero moment of truth

Zero moment of truth
शून्य सत्य का क्षण, प्रारंभिक सत्य का क्षण
the point in the buying cycle when a consumer researches a product online before making a purchase decision
What is "zero moment of truth"?
Zero moment of truth (ZMOT) refers to the point in the buying process when a potential customer first interacts with a brand or product online, usually before making a purchase decision. It happens after a person becomes aware of a need or problem and starts searching for solutions, often through search engines, reviews, social media, or other online resources. ZMOT is important because it influences how consumers perceive and evaluate options before they make a final choice. Marketers aim to engage customers during this moment by providing helpful, informative, and persuasive content to guide them toward making a purchase.
Before making a purchase decision, consumers often reach the zero moment of truth by reading online reviews and watching product demonstrations on YouTube.
The zero moment of truth occurs when a potential customer searches for information about a product on Google, comparing features and prices before deciding to buy.
Brands optimize their websites and content for the zero moment of truth by providing detailed product descriptions, FAQs, and customer testimonials to aid in the decision-making process.