Running water
धारा प्रवाहित पानी, पाइप द्वारा लाया गया पानी
water that is brought into a house, building, etc. through pipes
What is "running water"?
Running water refers to water that flows through pipes and is available on demand for various uses, such as drinking, cooking, cleaning, and bathing. It is delivered directly to homes, businesses, and other buildings through a network of plumbing systems, which are connected to a main water supply. Running water is typically clean and treated to meet safety standards before reaching its destination. The flow of water is controlled by faucets, valves, and other fixtures, allowing people to access water whenever it is needed.
Running water is essential for maintaining hygiene and sanitation in homes and public facilities.
The sound of running water from the nearby stream created a peaceful ambiance in the garden.
During the drought, conserving running water became a priority for the entire community.

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