उदासीनता, निष्क्रियता
a state of being physically and mentally inactive and tired
The bear 's torpor during hibernation is a natural way to conserve energy throughout the winter months.
Certain species of bats use torpor to lower their body temperature and slow their heartbeat during periods of inactivity.
During the cold season, many animals enter a state of torpor to survive the lack of food.
अवसाद, थकावट
inactivity resulting from lethargy and lack of vigor or energy
The bear's torpor during hibernation is a natural way to conserve energy throughout the winter months.
Certain species of bats use torpor to lower their body temperature and slow their heartbeat during periods of inactivity.
During the cold season, many animals enter a state of torpor to survive the lack of food.
The frog’s torpor allows it to endure extreme temperatures by significantly slowing its metabolism.
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