Street smarts
सड़क की समझ, सड़क की बुद्धिमानी
the knowledge or experience that is crucial for one to survive or succeed in urban environments
What is the origin of the idiom "street smarts" and when to use it?
The idiom "street smarts" originates from American English and is derived from the idea of being knowledgeable and experienced in the ways of the streets or urban environments. It contrasts with "book smarts" or academic intelligence, emphasizing practical knowledge and the ability to navigate and make wise decisions in everyday life situations. This expression is used to refer to a person's ability to understand and deal with the challenges and risks of everyday life, particularly in urban or complex social settings. It implies a combination of practical wisdom, common sense, and the ability to read people and situations effectively.
She may not have a college degree, but she 's got street smarts that help her succeed in any situation.
Having street smarts is essential when you're living in a big city.
Street smarts often come from life experiences and learning from mistakes.