The missionary spent years in remote villages, sharing the teachings of Christianity with the local people.
During his time abroad, the missionary learned the local language to better communicate with the community.
The church raised funds to support the missionary in his work across different countries.
धर्म प्रचारक, प्रोसेलाइट
someone who aggressively promotes or imposes their religious beliefs on others, often without sensitivity to cultural or personal differences
The missionary 's insistence on converting others created tension within the community.
The missionary 's approach was seen as insensitive and colonialist by the local community.
The missionary 's attempts to convert the indigenous population were met with skepticism and resistance.
मिशनरी, धार्मिक मिशन से संबंधित
relating to or connected to a religious mission
The missionary spent years in remote villages, sharing the teachings of Christianity with the local people.
During his time abroad, the missionary learned the local language to better communicate with the community.
The church raised funds to support the missionary in his work across different countries.
निकटवर्ती शब्द