to dislike
ne pas aimer
to not like a person or thing
to express a negative sentiment or lack of approval towards a post, comment, or content by indicating one's dissatisfaction or disagreement with it, often through the use of a dislike button or similar feature provided by the platform
the feeling of not liking something or someone
a feeling of not enjoying or approving something or someone
the expression of negative sentiment or a lack of approval towards a post, comment, or content on social media platforms, serving as the opposite of the "like" button
He dislikes the taste of celery and avoids it in his meals.
The employee, during a job interview, made a Freudian slip by mentioning how much they disliked their current boss.
My son dislikes the taste of cayenne pepper as he finds it too spicy.
She dislikes being labeled as overly sensitive, but if the cap fits, perhaps she should reflect on her reactions to criticism.
The person who pursued their passion and found fulfillment in their work was happier than the person who had a high-paying job but disliked what they did.