léchage, langue
What is "lap"?
The lap refers to the area formed by the upper thighs when a person is seated, typically supported by the knees or a surface. It is a comfortable and often used space where objects can be placed, or where a child or pet can rest. The lap provides a sense of warmth, security, and closeness, making it a common place for activities such as reading, holding a baby, or petting an animal. It serves as a personal and intimate space where connections can be fostered and cherished, representing a comforting and nurturing aspect of human interaction.
tour, tour de circuit
conséquence, répercussion
rabat, panneau
genoux, cuisses
domaine, territoire
chevaucher, recouvrir partiellement
lécher, pouffer
laper, outrer
lécher, laper
siffloter, siffler