to grope
hawak-hawak, tsansahin
to search uncertainly or blindly by feeling with the hands
Intransitive: to grope for sth
He frequently gropes in his pockets for his keys.
She is currently groping around on the floor for her lost earring.
She groped for the light switch in the dark hallway.
tahak, kumustahin
to move or navigate uncertainly, relying on touch
Intransitive: to grope somewhere
She groped along the wall in the pitch-black room, trying to find the door.
The child groped through the crowded hallway, hoping to catch up with her friends.
After the earthquake, people groped through the debris to find their way out.
haplosin, samsamin
to touch or handle someone or something in a clumsy, awkward, or invasive manner
Transitive: to grope sb
She felt uncomfortable when the stranger tried to grope her in the crowded subway.
The police charged him after he was caught groping a passerby in the public park.
It ’s important to respect others ’ personal space and never grope someone without their consent.
groping, hawak
the act of groping; and instance of groping

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