What is a "gallery"?
A gallery is a space where artworks are shown for people to view and often purchase. Galleries can be independent or part of institutions like museums or universities. They can also be different in size and may focus on different types of art, specific artists, historical periods, or art forms. Galleries provide a space for artists to present their work to the public, buyers, collectors, and critics. Additionally, they often organize exhibitions, events, and sales.
galeriya, pahingahan
What is a "gallery"?
In a theater, a gallery is an elevated seating area located high up above the main floor. It is usually the least expensive section and offers a panoramic view of the stage. This area is often reached by stairs or elevators and can provide a broad perspective of the performance, though it may be farther from the action compared to other seating areas.
galeriya, pasilyo
What is a "gallery"?
A gallery is a long, narrow space, often covered, that serves as a passage between different areas of a building. It can be open or enclosed and is usually lined with windows or arches to let in light. They are common in architectural designs such as museums, courtyards, or large houses, where they serve both practical and aesthetic purposes.
galeriya, pasilyo
gallery, manonood