to degrade
موجب فرسایش شدن
(of human activities or natural forces) to gradually break down rocks, mountains, hills, etc.
Transitive: to degrade a landform
The constant freeze and thaw cycles degrade the rock faces.
Construction activities can degrade natural landscapes.
The river has been degrading the valley ’s edges for thousands of years.
کوچک شمردن, کمارزش کردن
to reduce the quality or effectiveness of something
Transitive: to degrade quality or performance of something
The outdated technology has degraded the system's performance.
The chemical spill degraded the soil's fertility.
The lack of maintenance has degraded the equipment ’s condition.
تحقیر کردن, زرزیدگی کردن
to treat someone disrespectfully or contemptuously
Transitive: to degrade sb
It 's unacceptable to degrade others based on their race, gender, or socioeconomic status.
The bully 's constant insults and mocking behavior degraded his classmates.
It 's important not to degrade others based on superficial factors such as appearance or background.
کاهش رتبه دادن, تنزل رتبه دادن
to lower someone's rank or position in a hierarchy, often as a form of punishment
Transitive: to degrade a person or their rank
The commander degraded the soldier's rank after the serious violation.
The corporation degraded many senior executives to lower roles following the merger.
The board decided to degrade the CEO due to poor performance in the last quarter.

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