to stick up
[phrase form: stick]
با استفاده از سلاح از کسی سرقت کردن
to rob someone using a weapon or some form of threat
Transitive: to stick up a place
The armed robbers stuck up the convenience store last night.
Police believe the same group may have stuck up several fast food restaurants.
I hope they catch the guy who stuck up the liquor store.
از خود دفاع کردن, از کسی حمایت کردن
to defend oneself or others when facing criticism, opposition, or unfair treatment
Transitive: to stick up sb
The teacher stuck up the quiet student who was being unfairly judged.
We should stick up our colleagues when they face unjust criticism.
She stuck up her friend when others were gossiping about her.
به بیرون protrude, از سطح بالا رفتن
to extend above a surface
A few feathers on the bird 's head would always stick up in a comical way.
His hair stuck up in a messy fashion.
The antenna on the roof stuck up into the sky.
ایستادن, نصب کردن
to attach something in a vertical position
Transitive: to stick up sth
She stuck up the colorful posters on the classroom walls.
They stuck up the photos of their vacation on the refrigerator.
She stuck up the reminder on her computer screen.

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