طاووس, تاووس
What is a "peafowl"?
A peafowl, also known as a peacock, is a magnificent and iconic bird known for its extravagant and colorful plumage. Belonging to the Pavo genus, the peafowl is native to South Asia but is also found in various parts of the world due to its introduction and domestication. The male peafowl called a peacock, is known for its impressive tail feathers, adorned with vibrant iridescent colors and intricate patterns. These feathers are displayed during courtship rituals to attract females. The female peafowl, known as a peahen, has a more subtle appearance with brown plumage. Peafowls are typically ground-dwelling birds, but they are also capable of short flights. They are omnivorous, feeding on a variety of foods including insects, seeds, fruits, and small vertebrates.
word family