It ’s common for people to exchange holiday gifts with friends and family.
The common mistake in the test was misreading the instructions.
Coffee is a common beverage in many cultures.
The meeting was filled with common tasks and discussions.
Her style was simple and common, perfect for everyday wear.
The restaurant offered common dishes like pasta and salad.
The countries had a common interest in trade.
They worked toward a common goal.
The two groups enjoyed a common pastime.
His common remarks about the situation were off-putting.
She found his common approach to the problem unprofessional.
The movie 's humor was too common for her taste.
común, corriente
typical in status, often referring to those of lower social standing
The common worker often has to fight for basic rights.
Despite his talent, he remained among the common people.
The festival was a celebration for the common masses.
común, general
basic standards of respectful and ethical behavior that are generally expected in society
Offering assistance to those in need is a matter of common decency.
It ’s common decency to apologize if you ’ve offended someone.
It is common courtesy to thank someone for a gift.
el prado, la plaza
a public grassy area or park, often found in towns or villages, where people gather or engage in recreational activities
The town's common was a popular spot for community events and gatherings.
They enjoyed a picnic on the lush common that served as the town's central green space.
The local festival was held every year in the village common, drawing large crowds.

Palabras Cercanas