αναχρονισμός, αναχρονιστική ιδέα
*** a person, a custom or an idea that seems old-fashioned and does not belong to the present
αναχρονισμός, χρονική ανωμαλία
an object, person, or event that is out of place in terms of time or context, often appearing in a historical setting before its actual invention or introduction
In the film set in ancient Rome, the appearance of a wristwatch on one of the characters was a glaring anachronism.
The use of modern language in a historical novel set in the 18th century was considered an anachronism by literary critics.
The inclusion of a steam engine in a painting of a medieval village was an artistic anachronism, as steam power did not exist during that period.
αναχρονισμός, αναχρονιστικός άνθρωπος
a person who seems to be displaced in time; who belongs to another age

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