δελτοειδής (deltoeidis), δελτοειδής μυς (deltoeidis mys)
(anatomy) a large muscle, triangular in shape that covers the shoulder joint and helps the arm to abduct and rotate
What is "deltoid"?
The deltoid is a muscle located in the shoulder region. It is named after its triangular shape, resembling the Greek letter delta. The deltoid is a powerful muscle responsible for various arm movements, including shoulder abduction, flexion, and extension. It provides stability and strength to the shoulder joint, allowing for a wide range of motion. Well-developed deltoid muscles are often associated with a muscular and athletic physique. The deltoid plays a crucial role in activities such as lifting, throwing, and pushing, making it an essential component of upper body strength and function.
τραπεζοειδής, δελτοειδής
triangular or suggesting a capital delta, with a point at the apex

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