What is "checkmate"?
Checkmate is a situation in chess where a player's king is under direct threat of being captured by an opponent's piece and there is no way to move the king to a safe square, block the attack, or capture the attacking piece. When a king is checkmated, the game ends, and the player whose king has been checkmated loses the game. The goal of chess is to checkmate the opponent’s king while keeping one's own king safe.
complete victory
to checkmate
place an opponent's king under an attack from which it cannot escape and thus ending the game
In the final move, he promoted the pawn, forcing his opponent into checkmate.
His combination of moves forced the opponent into a position where checkmate was inevitable.
The chess player, recognizing the checkmate, gracefully decided to give.
The chess grandmaster employed a cunning strategy to corner their opponent's king and secure a checkmate.
The knight forked the opponent's king and queen, forcing them to sacrifice one of the pieces to avoid checkmate.