Nines system
a method of evaluating performance on a scale from one to nine, with nine representing the highest level of achievement
What is the "nines system"?
The nines system, also known as the 9-point grading scale, is a system used to assess students' performance in some education systems, typically in countries like India. It assigns numerical values to grades, with the highest score being 9 and lower scores corresponding to various levels of performance. For example, a student who scores a 9 has performed excellently, while a score of 6 might indicate an average level of performance. The system helps simplify grading by using a smaller range of numbers, with the goal of reducing stress related to small differences in scores.
In the nines system, she consistently scores eights or nines on her presentations.
The judge rated the dancer 's performance as a seven in the nines system.
His essay received a perfect nine in the nines system for its depth of analysis and clarity.

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