Chess problem
πρόβλημα σκακιού, γρίφος σκακιού
a puzzle or challenge in the game of chess that involves finding a specific sequence of moves that leads to a particular outcome, such as a checkmate or a draw
What is a "chess problem"?
A chess problem is a specially composed puzzle that requires a player to find a specific solution, usually involving checkmate or a series of moves leading to a favorable outcome. These problems are not from real games but are designed to challenge a player's ability to think creatively and solve complex situations. Chess problems often present a position where one player must deliver checkmate in a set number of moves or achieve another goal, such as gaining material. Solving chess problems helps improve tactical skills and deepen one's understanding of the game.
I spent hours trying to solve a chess problem that I found in a magazine.
He showed me a tricky chess problem, and I could n’t find the solution.
Solving a chess problem is a great way to improve your strategy.

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