to shake off
[phrase form: shake]
to physically remove something by shaking
Transitive: to shake off particles or fluids
The hiker tried to shake off the mud from his boots before entering the cabin.
She shook off the sand from her towel.
He shook off the dust from his jacket after walking through the field.
to free oneself from something undesirable or negative, such as limitations, illnesses, etc.
Transitive: to shake off something undesirable
He decided to shake the toxic relationship off, realizing it was hindering his personal growth.
She tried to shake the flu off by resting and staying hydrated.
They shake off financial setbacks by seeking new opportunities and adapting their strategies.
to manage to avoid or escape from someone who is following or annoying one
Transitive: to shake off sb
She managed to shake the persistent paparazzi off by taking a different route.
They attempted to shake off the suspicious individuals tailing them on the street.
He tried to shake off the salesperson who was following him around the store.

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