to back out
[phrase form: back]
αποσυρθεί, απαρνηθώ
to not do something one has promised or agreed to do
He lost confidence and backed out of the deal at the last minute.
I promised to help and I ’m not backing out now.
It ’s too late to back out now.
πισωγύρισμα, όπισθεν
to drive a vehicle in reverse to exit from an area, particularly a limited area
The driver apologized for taking a while to back out of the crowded parking lot.
The car beeped as it backed out of the driveway, alerting pedestrians.
Can you see if it's clear behind me as I back out of the garage?
αναιρώ, αναστρέφω
to reverse a specific change made in a computer system
Realizing the error, the programmer had to back out the recent code changes to restore functionality.
To address unexpected bugs, the developer needed to back out the recent modifications made to the application.
The system administrator had to back out the configuration changes that caused disruptions in the network.
Απογοητεύω (apogoitevo), Εγκαταλείπω (egkataleipo)
to support the idea that someone will not succeed
Despite his talent, some people decided to back out on him, thinking he would not win the competition.
A few skeptical individuals chose to back out on the underdog team, underestimating their chances of victory.
Some gamblers like to back out on specific players during a match, hoping to profit from unexpected outcomes.

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