όριο, περιθώριο
the boundary line or the area immediately inside the boundary
περιθώριο, απόθεση
an amount beyond the minimum necessary
περιθώριο, όριο
a permissible difference; allowing some freedom to move within limits
περιθώριο, άκρη
the blank space at the edge of a written or printed page
What is a "margin"?
A margin is the blank space around the edges of a page in a book or document. It separates the text or images from the edge of the page, providing extra space that helps with readability and presentation. Margins also ensure that important content is not cut off during printing and binding. They can vary in size depending on the book's design, the publisher's preferences, or specific formatting requirements.
περιθώριο, εγγύηση
the amount of collateral a customer deposits with a broker when borrowing from the broker to buy securities
The company's profit margin increased significantly after implementing cost-saving measures.
He carefully monitors the profit margin on each product to ensure profitability.
The retailer offers discounts to increase sales volume while maintaining a healthy margin.

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