μαμμογράφημα, μαμμογράφος
an X-ray for early detection of breast cancer and abnormalities
What is a "mammogram"?
A mammogram is an X-ray image of the breasts used to check for signs of breast cancer or other abnormalities. During the test, the breast is gently pressed between two plates to flatten it, and then X-ray pictures are taken. Mammograms help identify breast cancer early, often before any symptoms appear, which can make treatment more effective. They are commonly used for routine breast cancer screening in women.
Mammograms are crucial for early detection of breast abnormalities.
Τα μαμμογραφήματα είναι κρίσιμα για την έγκαιρη ανίχνευση των ανωμαλιών του μαστού.
Healthcare providers recommend regular mammograms for women's health.
Οι πάροχοι υγειονομικής περίθαλψης συνιστούν τακτικά μαμμογραφήματα για την υγεία των γυναικών.

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