Heavy hand
harte Hand, schwere Hand
the use of excessive force, control, or authority in a way that can be harsh or oppressive
What is the origin of the idiom "a heavy hand" and when to use it?
The origin of the idiom "a heavy hand" likely comes from the literal sense of "heaviness" associated with something that is excessive or burdensome. Over time, this literal usage evolved into a figurative expression to describe someone who exercises authority or control in an overly harsh, oppressive, or authoritarian manner.
The teacher ruled the classroom with a heavy hand, rarely allowing any freedom or creativity.
Der Lehrer regierte das Klassenzimmer mit harter Hand, erlaubte selten Freiheit oder Kreativität.
The new manager ruled with a heavy hand, imposing strict rules and micro-managing the employees, which led to low morale in the workplace.
Der neue Manager regierte mit harter Hand, verhängte strenge Regeln und überwachte die Mitarbeiter bis ins kleinste Detail, was zu einer niedrigen Moral am Arbeitsplatz führte.

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