What is a "scarf"?
A scarf is a piece of fabric, typically long and rectangular, that is wrapped around the neck or draped over the shoulders. Scarves can be made of various materials, such as wool, cotton, silk, or cashmere, and can be worn for warmth or as a fashion accessory. They can come in many different colors, patterns, and styles, from plain and simple to intricate and decorative. Scarves can be worn by both men and women and can be styled in different ways, such as a loop, knot, or drape, depending on the occasion and personal preference.
Verbindung, Gelenk
mit einem Schal umwickeln, mit einem Schal schmücken
bei Masturbation strangulieren, sich beim Masturbieren strangulieren
verzahnen, verkleben
verschlingen, hinunterschlingen