What is a "barn"?
A barn is a large building typically found on farms, used for storing crops, tools, and housing animals like cows, horses, or sheep. It is usually made of wood or metal and is often situated near other farm structures, such as silos or stables. Barns can vary in size and design, but they typically have wide doors for easy access and ventilation to keep the inside dry and comfortable. In addition to being used for livestock and storage, barns may also serve as spaces for working on farm equipment or as gathering places for special events.
Lagerhaus, Halle
a building that provides parking space for buses, trucks, etc.
Barn, Einheit für Kernquerschnitt
(physics) a unit of nuclear cross section; the effective circular area that one particle presents to another as a target for an encounter
The farmer witnessed the birth of a baby calf in the barn.
The old barn swarmed with bats at dusk.
The farmer took care of the newborn lambs in the barn.
The farmer hauled the sacks of potatoes across the muddy field to the barn.
The workers hauled loads of hay from the field to the barn.