Pole, Polin
Stab, Sprungstab
What is a "pole"?
A pole is a long, flexible piece of equipment used in pole vaulting, a track and field event where athletes jump over a high bar. The pole is typically made of fiberglass or carbon fiber, providing the right balance of strength and flexibility. During the event, the athlete runs toward the bar, plants the pole in a special box, and uses its energy to lift themselves into the air, aiming to clear the bar without knocking it down. The pole allows the athlete to generate the height needed to clear the bar, and its length and flexibility are key to a successful vault.
Stange, Pfahl
Pol, Extrem
Pol, Kontakt
Pole, Himmelspol
Pol, Stange
Stange, Parzelle
mit einem Mast stoßen, mit einem Stock impulsieren
pollern, deoxidieren
stützen, unterstützen mit Pfosten