to hark back
[phrase form: hark]
vzpomínat, odkazovat
to recall a past event or time
Intransitive: to hark back to a memory
During the family reunion, they often hark back to the summers spent at the beach house.
Whenever we gather around the fireplace, Grandpa harks back to the winters he spent in the mountains.
Seeing the old photograph made him hark back to the summer vacations spent by the seaside with his cousins.
vrátit se, odvolat se na
to go back to a place or situation
Intransitive: to hark back to an earlier stage
He had to hark back to the beginning of the project to fix the mistakes.
He had to hark back to his earlier work to find the information he needed.
The coach asked the team to hark back to their successful strategy from last season.
During the family reunion, they often hark back to the summers spent at the beach house.
Whenever we gather around the fireplace, Grandpa harks back to the winters he spent in the mountains.
Seeing the old photograph made him hark back to the summer vacations spent by the seaside with his cousins.
Sarah often harks back to the carefree days of college when life seemed simpler.

Blízká Slova