to alter
měnit, upravit
to cause something to change
Transitive: to alter sth
New technologies can greatly alter the way we live and communicate.
After receiving feedback, she decided to alter her presentation to make it more engaging.
měnit, upravit
to change without becoming totally different
Over time, people 's tastes and preferences can alter.
V průběhu času se chuť a preference lidí mohou měnit.
As the years went by, her perspective on life started to alter.
Jak roky plynuly, její pohled na život se začal měnit.
upravit, přizpůsobit
to make changes to a garment in order to adjust its size, style, or overall appearance
Transitive: to alter a garment
The skilled tailor was able to transform the oversized suit into a perfectly tailored and fitted ensemble.
Through careful alterations, the tailor transformed the suit jacket to accommodate the customer's unique body shape.
vykastrovat, odstranit reprodukční orgány
to remove the reproductive organs of an animal
Transitive: to alter an animal
The veterinarian will alter the male dog to prevent unwanted breeding and reduce aggressive behavior.
It is recommended to alter female cats to prevent unwanted litters and reduce the risk of certain health issues.

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