to conceive
vymyslet, zakoncipovat
to produce a plan, idea, etc. in one's mind
Transitive: to conceive an idea
The architect conceived a visionary design for the futuristic building.
During the brainstorming session, the team conceived innovative solutions to the problem.
The artist conceived a unique painting that expressed deep emotions and symbolism.
představovat si, vnímat
to consider or regard someone or something in a particular way or context
Complex Transitive: to conceive of sb/sth as sth
She conceives of her future as an adventure, filled with endless possibilities.
He conceived of the project as a chance to showcase his creativity and skills.
In traditional societies, elders are often conceived of as repositories of wisdom and knowledge, revered for their life experience.
pojmout, otěhotnět
to become pregnant
After trying for several months, the couple was thrilled to finally conceive.
The doctor provided advice on the best times to conceive for couples trying to start a family.
Fertility treatments can increase the chances for couples struggling to conceive.

Blízká Slova