Herculean task
herkulovský úkol, herkulovská výzva
a task or challenge that requires an immense amount of effort, strength, or endurance to accomplish
What is the origin of the idiom "Herculean task" and when to use it?
The idiom "Herculean task" is used to describe an extremely difficult, demanding, or challenging task. It draws its origins from Greek mythology and the legendary hero Hercules, known for his immense strength and his completion of twelve labors, which were considered nearly impossible feats.
Organizing the event within a tight deadline was a Herculean task, requiring round-the-clock work and coordination.
Organizace akce v rámci těsného termínu byla herkulovská výzva, vyžadující nepřetržitou práci a koordinaci.
Repairing the dilapidated old house proved to be a Herculean task for the homeowners.
Oprava zchátralého starého domu se ukázala jako herkulovský úkol pro majitele. Zahrnovala rozsáhlé rekonstrukce a stavební opravy.

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