to live a lie
to have a life that is built on lies and deception
What is the origin of the idiom "live a lie" and when to use it?
The idiom "live a lie" originates from the concept of someone leading a life that is incongruent with their true self or beliefs. The phrase suggests that the person is pretending or presenting a false image to the world, often due to fear, societal pressure, or a desire to maintain certain appearances. The idiom is commonly used to describe someone who is trapped in a facade or living a life that contradicts their genuine desires or values.
Despite being unhappy in their marriage, she chose to live a lie and pretended everything was perfect to avoid societal judgment.
He realized he had been living a lie by pursuing a career that society expected of him, rather than following his true passion.
The celebrity's public persona depicted a glamorous lifestyle, but behind the scenes, they were living a lie, battling personal struggles.

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