to save up
[phrase form: save]
šetřit, uspořit
to set money or resources aside for future use
Transitive: to save up money or resources
She saved up enough money to buy a new car after a year of careful budgeting.
They saved up for their dream vacation and finally went to their dream destination.
She 's been saving up her spare time to work on a personal project.
šetřit, hromadit
to collect something gradually over time
Transitive: to save up sth
He saved up valuable knowledge from various courses and workshops.
Over time, she saved up a vast array of life experiences and stories.
The explorer saved up a wealth of geographical data from his expeditions.
šatit, uchovávat
to preserve something for later use
Transitive: to save up sth
She saved up her knowledge to share it when it was most relevant.
The team saved up their ideas for the brainstorming session.
He saved up his patience to deal with a difficult client at work.

Blízká Slova