zpětný spin, zpětný rotace
What is "backspin"?
Backspin is a type of spin applied to the ball in racquet sports, such as tennis, table tennis, or squash, where the ball rotates backward as it travels through the air. This spin causes the ball to dip more quickly and often results in a lower bounce when it hits the ground. Backspin can make the ball more difficult for the opponent to return, as it can slow down or even make the ball stop abruptly after bouncing. It is commonly used for defensive shots, lobs, or to keep the ball in play while giving the player more control.
základní rotace, záhlaví rotace
What is a "backspin"?
A backspin is a figure skating spin where the skater rotates in the opposite direction of a typical forward spin. The skater starts by pushing off the ice and spinning backward while balancing on one foot. The arms are usually extended to help maintain balance and speed during the spin. The backspin can be performed in different variations, such as with one leg extended or with the skater's body in a more upright position. This move requires good control, balance, and timing to execute smoothly and is often used to add variety and difficulty to a routine.
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