koberec, podložka
a small piece of thick cloth-like material that is used to cover part of a floor, particularly in order to provide decoration
What is a "mat"?
A mat is a piece of material, usually flat, used to cover or protect a surface. Mats can be made from various materials such as fabric, rubber, wood, or plastic, and come in different sizes and shapes. They serve many purposes, such as providing comfort, adding decoration, or protecting floors and surfaces from dirt or damage.
podložka, molitanová podložka
a thick plastic or rubber material used in particular sports for landing or lying on
After the workout, he rolled up the mat and stored it in the designated area for exercise equipment.
The mat ’s non-slip surface helped prevent slipping during intense workouts and stretches.
He used a thick exercise mat to cushion his knees while doing push-ups and other floor exercises.
rám, mat
mounting consisting of a border or background for a picture
podložka, matice
a small pad of material that is used to protect surface from an object placed on it
mat, podložka
a foundation (usually on soft ground) consisting of an extended layer of reinforced concrete
mat, matný povrch
the property of having little or no contrast; lacking highlights or gloss
magisterské vzdělání v oboru výuky, magisterský titul v pedagogice
a master's degree in teaching
zmotaná hmota, zamotanina
a mass that is densely tangled or interwoven
rohožka, mat
a piece of material placed by a door, used to clean shoes or for decorative purposes
She wiped her feet on the mat before entering the house.
The welcome mat outside the door was clean and inviting.
He placed a doormat in front of the entrance to catch dirt.
to mat
zmatnit, zplstnat
change texture so as to become matted and felt-like
zkroutit, zamotat
twist together or entwine into a confusing mass
matný, nelesklý
not reflecting light; not glossy

Blízká Slova