Her room felt dreary and uninviting, with its plain walls and minimal furnishings.
The weather was dreary, with constant rain and gray skies that made the day feel endless.
The office decor was so dreary that employees struggled to stay motivated throughout the day.
ممل, مونوتوني
boring and repetitive that makes one feel unhappy
The endless meetings became increasingly dreary as the week went on.
The dreary lecture was filled with repetitive details that failed to capture interest.
The movie ’s plot was so dreary that many people walked out halfway through.
Her room felt dreary and uninviting, with its plain walls and minimal furnishings.
The weather was dreary, with constant rain and gray skies that made the day feel endless.
The office decor was so dreary that employees struggled to stay motivated throughout the day.
The novel's dreary plot failed to capture the readers' interest, leading many to abandon it.
The movie's dreary atmosphere and slow pacing made it a difficult watch for most viewers.