Brain drain
هجرة العقول, نزيف العقول
a situation in which highly intelligent or skilled people of a country move to another country so that they can live a better life
What is the origin of the idiom "make a go of something" and when to use it?
The idiom "brain drain" originated in the 1960s and was initially used to describe the migration of highly skilled professionals, particularly scientists, from developing countries to more developed nations. It is often discussed in the context of workforce dynamics, economic development, and global migration patterns.
brain drain
In the past decade, the brain drain had a significant impact on the country's economy, with a mass exodus of talented individuals.
Many industries are grappling with the effects of brain drain, as skilled workers continue to leave for greener pastures.
If the brain drain continues at its current rate, the country's workforce will face a severe shortage of skilled professionals.
Companies struggled to cope with brain drain as their top employees migrated overseas for better opportunities.
By 2030, the government aims to reverse the brain drain trend and attract skilled individuals back to the country.