a tennis shot where the player hits the ball immediately after it bounces, close to the ground
What is a "half volley"?
A half volley in tennis is a type of shot where the player hits the ball immediately after it bounces, usually when it is very close to the ground. The player must strike the ball just as it rises from the bounce, often with a quick reaction. This shot is typically used when the ball is coming at the player with speed or when there is little time to prepare for a full swing. It requires good timing and control to prevent the ball from going too high or too low.
(cricket) a ball that bounces just in front of the batsman, making it challenging to play
What is a "half volley"?
A half volley in cricket is a type of delivery where the ball bounces just in front of the batter, typically hitting the ground right before reaching them. It is a ball that comes at the batter at a low height, but not as low as a full-length delivery. The batter has a good chance of hitting the ball, as it is not too high or too low. A half volley can be easy to play, and batters often try to drive the ball with power when faced with this kind of delivery.