Camel spin
a spin in figure skating where the skater lifts one leg into the air behind them while spinning on the ice
What is a "camel spin"?
A camel spin is a figure skating spin where the skater rotates on one foot while keeping the other leg extended horizontally behind them, often parallel to the ice. The skater’s body remains relatively low to the ice, with the arms extended for balance. This spin showcases the skater's flexibility and balance as they maintain the position while spinning. The camel spin is often performed with speed and precision and is considered an impressive element in figure skating routines, requiring both control and strength to hold the position while spinning smoothly.
Tim 's camel spin ended with a graceful exit, impressing the audience.
Emily struggled to maintain balance in her camel spin at first.
Lucy 's camel spin was the highlight of her performance at the competition.

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