keep a level head
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British pronunciation/kˈiːp ɐ lˈɛvəl hˈɛd/
American pronunciation/kˈiːp ɐ lˈɛvəl hˈɛd/

to stay calm and sensible in a stressful or difficult situation

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to [keep] a level head definition and meaning

What is the origin of the idiom "keep a level head" and when to use it?

The origin of the idiom "keep a level head" can be traced back to nautical terminology. In sailing, a "level head" referred to the situation where a ship's compass remained level and steady despite the vessel's movement on the water. It symbolized stability, balance, and an accurate sense of direction. It is often invoked during times of stress, conflict, or uncertainty, such as in high-pressure work environments, intense negotiations, or personal crises.

If you want to succeed in high-pressure situations, you must keep a level head and approach challenges with a clear mind.
He always keeps a level head in emergencies, efficiently assessing the situation and taking appropriate actions.
She keeps a level head during high-stress meetings, calmly addressing challenges and finding effective solutions.
They will keep a level head during the upcoming negotiations, staying composed and advocating for their interests.
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Meaning of "To [keep] a level head"
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