Ups and downs

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British pronunciation/ˌʌps and dˈaʊnz/
American pronunciation/ˌʌps ænd dˈaʊnz/
ups and downs

a combination of both good things and bad things that can happen to one

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What is the origin of the idiom "ups and downs" and when to use it?

The idiom "ups and downs" draws its origin from the imagery of a graph or chart, where the "ups" represent high points or positive moments, and the "downs" correspond to low points or challenges. This expression has been in use for centuries, reflecting the cyclical and fluctuating nature of life, It is mostly used to emphasize the need to navigate and adapt to various circumstances.

Life is a rollercoaster of ups and downs, and learning to embrace both is essential for personal growth.
Despite some ups and downs, they've decided to stay on together and work through their issues.
Their marriage had its ups and downs, and they both agreed to fool around discreetly rather than separate.
The mentor saw the young artist through the ups and downs of her career.
In the world of business, you have to be prepared for the ups and downs of the market, which can be unpredictable.
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