beat sb at one's own game

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British pronunciation/bˈiːt ˌɛsbˈiː at wˈɒnz ˈəʊn ɡˈeɪm/
American pronunciation/bˈiːt ˌɛsbˈiː æt wˈʌnz ˈoʊn ɡˈeɪm/
to beat sb at one's own game

to outperform someone using the same methods and tactics that they use

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to [beat] {sb} at {one's} own game definition and meaning

What is the origin of the idiom "beat someone at their own game" and when to use it?

The idiom "beat someone at their own game" likely originated from the world of sports and competition. It embodies the idea of surpassing an opponent by using their own strategies, tactics, or skills against them. This concept may have emerged in various competitive environments, from games like chess to athletic contests. It can be used to describe instances where an individual gains an advantage by adopting the same tactics as their adversary, achieving a sense of triumph by demonstrating their ability to excel within the same parameters.

In the world of fashion, the new designer challenged the established brands by creating trendy designs that were in line with their signature styles, essentially beating them at their own game.
John decided to study his rival's sales techniques and ended up outselling him by applying those strategies, proving that he could beat him at his own game.
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Definition & Meaning of "To [beat] {sb} at {one's} own game"
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