a small nocturnal primate that has a short tail and moves very slowly, living in the rainforests of Africa
What is a "potto"?
a small, slow-moving primate found in the rainforests of West and Central Africa. It has a stocky body, short limbs, and a round head with large, round eyes. The potto has a unique adaptation called "arboreal crypsis" where it can blend into its surroundings by remaining motionless and flattening its body against the branches, making it difficult to spot. It has a slow and deliberate movement, and spends most of its time in trees, coming down only occasionally to forage for insects, small animals, and fruits. The potto is known for its docile nature and primarily solitary habits. It has a specialized diet and a slow metabolic rate, allowing it to conserve energy in its low-energy rainforest environment.
a kind of lemur