people who live in a particular district or area of a town or city
Our neighborhood holds a carol singing event every Christmas.
The neighborhood gathered for the annual community picnic.
When a new family moves in, the neighborhood throws a welcome party.
The neighborhood has a meeting every month to discuss local issues.
It's nice to have a good relationship with your neighborhood.
the area around someone, somewhere, or something
Apartments in the neighborhood of downtown New York City come with a premium price tag.
Real estate in the neighborhood of Los Angeles tends to be on the higher end of the market.
He was hesitant to leave the neighborhood of London.
Despite the job opportunity elsewhere, she was reluctant to move from the neighborhood of her family.
This neighborhood is known for its historic landmarks and buildings.
She moved to a residential neighborhood with tree-lined streets.
We live in a neighborhood that has a lot of parks and green spaces.
The neighborhood we moved to is renowned for its excellent schools.
I grew up in a small, rural neighborhood outside the city.
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