大黄蜂, 黄蜂
a large winged insect of the wasp family that builds papery nests in trees
What is a "hornet"?
A hornet is a large and aggressive wasp that typically builds its nests in trees or underground, known for its potent sting and distinct coloration. Hornets are social insects and live in colonies, with a queen leading the colony and workers carrying out various tasks such as foraging and nest building. They are known for their powerful flight capabilities and can be a source of fear and concern due to their stinging behavior.
The hornet stung the intruder repeatedly to defend its nest.
Whenever they criticize his work, he becomes mad as a hornet and defends himself fiercely.
Mentioning the controversial topic at the family dinner was like entering a hornet's nest, triggering heated arguments among relatives.
The politician's remarks about a controversial social issue were like poking a hornet's nest, leading to a barrage of criticism and heated debates from various interest groups.
According to my brother Paul, this Lonnie Norton was asking a lot of questions and stirring up a hornet's nest around town.