致癌物, 致癌剂
a substance or agent that has the potential to cause cancer in living tissues
What is a "carcinogen"?
A carcinogen is any substance that has the potential to cause cancer in living tissues. Carcinogens can be found in various forms, including chemicals, radiation, and certain viruses. Exposure to carcinogens can increase the risk of developing cancer by damaging the DNA of cells, which can lead to uncontrolled growth and the formation of tumors. Examples of carcinogens include tobacco smoke, ultraviolet radiation from the sun, and some chemicals used in manufacturing and industry. Avoiding exposure to known carcinogens and minimizing risks through safety measures are important steps in cancer prevention.
Tobacco smoke contains carcinogens that increase the risk of lung cancer.
Exposure to asbestos is linked to lung cancer due to its carcinogenic properties.
The World Health Organization identifies certain chemicals as known carcinogens.