to pussyfoot
小心翼翼地行走, 偷偷摸摸地行动
to move stealthily or furtively, often with the intent to avoid being noticed or caught
He tried to pussyfoot around the room, hoping no one would hear him.
She pussyfooted past the guards to avoid being seen.
The thief pussyfooted through the house, careful not to wake anyone.
小心翼翼地行事, 优柔寡断地行动
to act in a cautious, hesitant, or overly careful way, often to avoid commitment, confrontation, or making a firm decision
Stop pussyfooting and tell me what you really think!
She pussyfooted around the negotiation, afraid of making the wrong move.
They ca n’t keep pussyfooting forever — eventually, they ’ll have to take a stand.