Thumbs down
不赞成, 贬低
used to indicate failure or disapproval
What is the origin of the idiom "thumbs down" and when to use it?
The idiom "thumbs down" originated from ancient Roman culture. When gladiators fought to the death in arenas, the crowd would use gestures to indicate if a defeated gladiator should live or die. Thrusting a thumb downward meant death, so over time this expression came to symbolize disapproval or a negative judgment.
thumbs down
The movie received thumbs down from most critics for its weak plot and uninspired acting.
After several major errors, his job performance was given thumbs down and he was put on probation.
My request for extra vacation days received thumbs down from the boss who said it wasn't allowed under company policy.
The proposal was given thumbs down by the committee since it failed to provide enough details.
When I asked her opinion of the restaurant, she promptly gave it thumbs down for small portions and dull food.