to trounce
痛击, 压倒性地击败
to decisively defeat the opposition by a significant margin in a competition, race, or conflict
Transitive: to trounce an opponent
The experienced team managed to trounce their competitors in the basketball tournament.
The skilled runner trounced the competition, finishing the race well ahead of others.
In the debate, the articulate speaker trounced opponents with persuasive arguments.
严厉批评, 严惩不贷
to criticize or punish someone harshly
Transitive: to trounce sb
The coach trounced the team for their lack of discipline during practice.
The coach trounced his players with harsh words after their disappointing performance.
The general trounced the soldiers who had disobeyed orders in the field.
严重击败, 猛烈打击
to beat or strike someone or something severely
Transitive: to trounce sb/sth
He trounced the punching bag with all his strength during his workout.
The strong winds trounced the trees, knocking down branches everywhere.
The bullies trounced their victim, leaving him bruised and battered.