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ngựa vằn Grevy, ngựa vằn Grevy's
What is a "grevy's zebra"?
Grevy's Zebra is the largest and most endangered species of zebra, native to the arid grasslands and scrublands of eastern Africa. They are characterized by their narrow stripes, which are spaced farther apart than those of other zebra species, and a distinctive white belly. Grevy's zebras have large ears that they can rotate to listen for predators, and powerful legs that allow them to run at high speeds. They are herbivorous and feed on a variety of grasses and shrubs. Grevy's zebras are social animals, living in small family groups led by a dominant male. They are an important part of the African savanna ecosystem, providing a source of food for predators such as lions and hyenas, and helping to maintain the grasslands through their grazing behavior.