Tìm kiếm
to democratize
dân chủ hóa, mở cửa cho tất cả
to make a system more open and fair, giving everyone a chance and involving more people
Transitive: to democratize a system
The leaders implemented reforms to democratize decision-making processes within the organization.
The international community urged nations to democratize their human rights policies, ensuring equal protection for all citizens.
Over the years, many countries have worked to democratize their governance structures for greater citizen participation.
dân chủ hóa, làm cho mọi người tiếp cận dễ dàng hơn
to make something more accessible, fair, or open to all people by implementing democratic processes or principles
Transitive: to democratize a system or institution
Ví dụ
The leaders implemented reforms to democratize decision-making processes within the organization.
The international community urged nations to democratize their human rights policies, ensuring equal protection for all citizens.
Over the years, many countries have worked to democratize their governance structures for greater citizen participation.
The university took measures to democratize the admission process, considering a broader range of factors beyond test scores.
The nation decided to democratize its political system, allowing for free and fair elections.
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